Campaign of Learning

Campaign of Learning Scholarly Gifts

The New York Quadricentennial Committee, Inc. is exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Donors can deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170 and also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.

The Original People, First Peoples Studies
Join our Campaign of Learning to understand and bring forward the great civilization which the Original People of today’s New York brought forward. This scholarly effort funds a year-long study by a participating High-School where the student(s) conduct studies and publishes an article for a historic journal on an approved topic about the Original People, First Peoples.

This scholarship covers research costs, materials, subscriptions, and other associated costs. The student(s) commences research under a faculty advisor at the beginning the school year, and presents the study to the New York Quadricentennial Committee prior to publication at the end of the academic year. The sponsor’s name is resident with the scholarship.

Multiple awards and multiple High Schools are available. Final work published under the Campaign of Learning page of the NYQC website.

A Year in the Life of New Amsterdam
Join our Campaign of Learning to study New Amsterdam and catalogue a year in the life of residents of New Amsterdam. This scholarly effort funds a two-year effort at a Higher-Education level to study New Amsterdam between 1624 to 1664 and publish a timeline of the daily occurrences. The student(s) study(ies) the life of a farmer, merchant, government official, and sailor and presents a daily routine over a year long period covering all seasons.

This scholarship covers research costs, materials, subscriptions, and other associated costs. The student(s) researches under the direction of a research center and uses the research for credit towards their college or university degree. The final publication is to be published in a research journal. The sponsor’s name accompanies the scholarship.

Multiple awards and multiple colleges and universities are available. Final work published under the Campaign of Learning page of the NYQC website.

The Economic Enterprise of Niew Amsterdam
Join our Campaign of Learning to study the economic impact of Niew Amsterdam and publish a dissertation on the details of the Dutch and First Peoples regional economic enterprise. This three-year effort is funded by a scholarship to a research center to cover associated costs for staff power, materials, subscriptions, and other associated research costs.

The study is to be published as a booklet, which recounts the details of the Dutch West India Company’s economic goals and objectives for Niew Netherlands, geographics areas of engagement, and defines the output which came from the joint Original People and Dutch economic enterprise.

Multiple awards and multiple colleges and universities are available. Final work published under the Campaign of Learning page of the NYQC website. 


Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

The Loquet Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable
solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.