TRIVIA – New Amsterdam Edition

Cheat Sheet!

A. His Peg Leg

B. A Street Named after him

C. He was in charge of New Netherland with the English took over

D. All of the above

To find an east passage to Asia

To escape religious prosecution from the Inquisition

Governors Island!   In 1624, the Dutch West India Company brought 30 predominantly French Huguenot families on the ship New Netherland to establish one of the earlist Dutch settlements in America on Nutten (now Governors) Island. They stayed there for several months and then moved across to lower Manhattan.

To create a trading hub for the Dutch West India Company as part of its global commercial empire.

The Collegiate School, originally the “Dutch School of New Amsterdam,” was founded in 1628 by the Dutch West India Company

The Bowling Green was originally used as a parade ground in New Amsterdam and is now a famous park in Lower Manhattan.

The first church was the Dutch Reformed Church, established in 1628

The Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House, Home of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian

The Native Americans called it “Paggank,” which means “Nut Island,” due to the abundance of hickory, oak, and chestnut trees. The Dutch called it “Noten Eylant” or Nut Island.

The first settlers of Fort Orange included Dutch traders sent by the Dutch West India Company to establish a fur trading post, and Walloon refugees, French-speaking Protestants from present-day Belgium, seeking refuge from religious persecution.

Fluyt – A type of ship created to by the Dutch to allow for maximum cargo hold with minimum crew.

Pigs were set free to roam the streets and eat any garbage.

Grinding grain or as a saw mill to saw logs into boards.

Hendrick van Dijk shot a Native American woman for picking peaches in his orchard.

Duff or Duffel cloth, a thick woolen cloth that kept you warm even when wet.

Manuel Gerrit de Reus., who was later granted land in what is now Greenwich village.

North of the Wall in what is today Greenwich village.


Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

The Loquet Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable
solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.